Results for 'Rafael B. Sagredo'

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  1.  43
    Exchangeability and the law of maturity.Fernando V. Bonassi, Rafael B. Stern, Cláudia M. Peixoto & Sergio Wechsler - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (4):603-615.
    The law of maturity is the belief that less-observed events are becoming mature and, therefore, more likely to occur in the future. Previous studies have shown that the assumption of infinite exchangeability contradicts the law of maturity. In particular, it has been shown that infinite exchangeability contradicts probabilistic descriptions of the law of maturity such as the gambler’s belief and the belief in maturity. We show that the weaker assumption of finite exchangeability is compatible with both the gambler’s belief and (...)
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    Finite Additivity, Complete Additivity, and the Comparative Principle.Teddy Seidenfeld, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish & Rafael B. Stern - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-24.
    In the longstanding foundational debate whether to require that probability is countably additive, in addition to being finitely additive, those who resist the added condition raise two concerns that we take up in this paper. (1) _Existence_: Settings where no countably additive probability exists though finitely additive probabilities do. (2) _Complete Additivity_: Where reasons for countable additivity don’t stop there. Those reasons entail complete additivity—the (measurable) union of probability 0 sets has probability 0, regardless the cardinality of that union. Then (...)
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    Sleeping Beauty’s Credences.Jessi Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (3):324-347.
    The Sleeping Beauty problem has spawned a debate between “thirders” and “halfers” who draw conflicting conclusions about Sleeping Beauty's credence that a coin lands heads. Our analysis is based on a probability model for what Sleeping Beauty knows at each time during the experiment. We show that conflicting conclusions result from different modeling assumptions that each group makes. Our analysis uses a standard “Bayesian” account of rational belief with conditioning. No special handling is used for self-locating beliefs or centered propositions. (...)
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  4.  70
    Standards for Modest Bayesian Credences.Jessi Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (1):53-78.
    Gordon Belot argues that Bayesian theory is epistemologically immodest. In response, we show that the topological conditions that underpin his criticisms of asymptotic Bayesian conditioning are self-defeating. They require extreme a priori credences regarding, for example, the limiting behavior of observed relative frequencies. We offer a different explication of Bayesian modesty using a goal of consensus: rival scientific opinions should be responsive to new facts as a way to resolve their disputes. Also we address Adam Elga’s rebuttal to Belot’s analysis, (...)
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    Drift as a Driver of Language Change: An Artificial Language Experiment.Rafael Ventura, Joshua B. Plotkin & Gareth Roberts - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (9):e13197.
    Over half a century ago, George Zipf observed that more frequent words tend to be older. Corpus studies since then have confirmed this pattern, with more frequent words being replaced and regularized less often than less frequent words. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain this: that frequent words change less because selection against innovation is stronger at higher frequencies, or that they change less because stochastic drift is stronger at lower frequencies. Here, we report the first experimental test (...)
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  6. PDF [Es] HTML [Es] Traducciones automáticas [Es].Álvaro B. Márquez-Fernández, Stefan Gandler, Gerardo Oviedo, Graciela Maturo, Andrés Donoso Romo, Lino Morán-Beltrán, Johan Méndez-Reyes, Alejandro Herrero, Rafael Ojeda & Antonio Tinoco Guerra - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35).
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    Corticostriatal Field Potentials Are Modulated at Delta and Theta Frequencies during Interval-Timing Task in Rodents.Eric B. Emmons, Rafael N. Ruggiero, Ryan M. Kelley, Krystal L. Parker & Nandakumar S. Narayanan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  8. RaisAware: uma ferramenta de auxílio à Engenharia de Software.Jean Costa, Rafael Feitosa & C. R. B. de Souza - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Street pavement classification based on navigation through street view imagery.Rafael G. de Mesquita, Tsang I. Ren, Carlos A. B. Mello & Miguel L. P. C. Silva - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    Computer vision research involving street and road detection methods usually focuses on driving assistance and autonomous vehicle systems. In this context, street segmentation occurs in real-time, based on images centered on the street. This work, on the other hand, uses street segmentation for urban planning research to classify pavement types of a city or region, which is particularly important for developing countries. For this application, it is needed a dataset with images from various locations for each street. These images are (...)
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  10. The Rest of Sleeping Beauty.Jessi Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - unknown
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  11.  18
    Han, B.-Ch. (2021). No-cosas: quiebras del mundo de hoy. Traducción de Joaquín Chamorro Mielke. Madrid: Tecnos.Rafael Castro - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 22:321-324.
    En su último libro, Han afirma: «[y]a no habitamos la tierra y el cielo, sino Google Earth y la nube» (p. 12). En No-cosas, Han critica el paso del mundo de las cosas hacia el mundo de las no-cosas. Las cosasson vendrían a ser los objetos físicos que solían constreñir nuestra vida cotidiana: los árboles, los libros, las casas y sus respectivos habitantes. Frente a ellas, Han nos muestra las no-cosas —o información digital—. Las no-cosas son realidades intangibles y, por (...)
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  12. Quantum Control in Foundational Experiments.Lucas C. Céleri, Rafael M. Gomes, Radu Ionicioiu, Thomas Jennewein, Robert B. Mann & Daniel R. Terno - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (5):576-587.
    We describe a new class of experiments designed to probe the foundations of quantum mechanics. Using quantum controlling devices, we show how to attain a freedom in temporal ordering of the control and detection of various phenomena. We consider wave–particle duality in the context of quantum-controlled and the entanglement-assisted delayed-choice experiments. Then we discuss a quantum-controlled CHSH experiment and measurement of photon’s transversal position and momentum in a single set-up.
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    Sleeping Beauty’s Credences.Jessica Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - unknown
    The Sleeping Beauty problem has spawned a debate between “Thirders” and “Halfers” who draw conflicting conclusions about Sleeping Beauty’s credence that a coin lands Heads. Our analysis is based on a probability model for what Sleeping Beauty knows at each time during the Experiment. We show that conflicting conclusions result from different modeling assumptions that each group makes. Our analysis uses a standard “Bayesian” account of rational belief with conditioning. No special handling is used for self-locating beliefs or centered propositions. (...)
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  14.  48
    Olfaction in eating disorders and abnormal eating behavior: a systematic review.Mohammed A. Islam, Ana B. Fagundo, Jon Arcelus, Zaida Agüera, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, José M. Fernández-Real, Francisco J. Tinahones, Rafael de la Torre, Cristina Botella, Gema Frühbeck, Felipe F. Casanueva, José M. Menchón & Fernando Fernandez-Aranda - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  15. v. 4. Escritos sociales. Escritos políticos.edición crítica Y. Notas por Rafael González Cañal & Hipólito B. Riesco Álvarez - 1983 - In Rolando Chuaqui (ed.), Obras completas, by Gödel Kurt. Edited by Mosterín Jesús. Alianza universidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1981, 430 pp.Mosterín Jesús. Prólogo. Pp. 9–13.Mosterín Jesús. Introducción. Pp. 15–19, 35–36, 41, 45–54, 91, 95–96, 101–102, 105–106, 109, 113–114, 1. Editorial Trotta.
  16. Facing the Sunrise: Cultural Worldview Underlying Intrinsic-Based Encoding of Absolute Frames of Reference in Aymara.Rafael E. Núñez & Carlos Cornejo - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):965-991.
    The Aymara of the Andes use absolute (cardinal) frames of reference for describing the relative position of ordinary objects. However, rather than encoding them in available absolute lexemes, they do it in lexemes that are intrinsic to the body: nayra (“front”) and qhipa (“back”), denoting east and west, respectively. Why? We use different but complementary ethnographic methods to investigate the nature of this encoding: (a) linguistic expressions and speech–gesture co-production, (b) linguistic patterns in the distinct regional Spanish-based variety Castellano Andino (...)
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  17.  51
    Sugarcoated isolation: evidence that social avoidance is linked to higher basal glucose levels and higher consumption of glucose.Tsachi Ein-Dor, James A. Coan, Abira Reizer, Elizabeth B. Gross, Dana Dahan, Meredyth A. Wegener, Rafael Carel, Claude R. Cloninger & Ada H. Zohar - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  18.  33
    Treatment of depression in the elderly with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation using theta-burst stimulation: Study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.Leandro Valiengo, Bianca S. Pinto, Kalian A. P. Marinho, Leonardo A. Santos, Luara C. Tort, Rafael G. Benatti, Bruna B. Teixeira, Cristiane S. Miranda, Henriette B. Cardeal, Paulo J. C. Suen, Julia C. Loureiro, Renata A. R. Vaughan, Roberta A. M. P. F. Dini Mattar, Maíra Lessa, Pedro S. Oliveira, Valquíria A. Silva, Wagner Farid Gattaz, André R. Brunoni & Orestes Vicente Forlenza - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionTranscranial magnetic stimulation is a consolidated procedure for the treatment of depression, with several meta-analyses demonstrating its efficacy. Theta-burst stimulation is a modification of TMS with similar efficacy and shorter session duration. The geriatric population has many comorbidities and a high prevalence of depression, but few clinical trials are conducted specifically for this age group. TBS could be an option in this population, offering the advantages of few side effects and no pharmacological interactions. Therefore, our aim is to investigate the (...)
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  19.  16
    Wege und Seitenwege der Philosophie: Von Anaximander bis Wittgenstein.Rafael Ferber - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Was ist eine gute Weltanschauung? Die Aufsätze behandeln einige der großen Themen der westlichen Philosophie unter neuen Gesichtspunkten, wie z. B. das Apeiron des Anaximander, das Leib-Seele-Problem bei Descartes und Wittgensteins Begriff der Sprache und Lebensform. Sie beleuchten aber auch Seitenwege wie z. B. einen Ausflug Schopenhauers, ein „Plagiat" Nietzsches und einige der Aphorismen Ludwig Hohls.
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  20.  93
    El pensamiento griego en la lógica de Ibn Hazm: Su "Kitab al-taqrib".Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2002 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 19:27-38.
    El primer libro consagrado a la lógica escrito por un autor andalusí que se nos ha conservado es el Kitªb al-taqrÌb li-Êadd al-manðiq ("Aproximación a la definición de la lógica") del cordobés Ibn ¿azm (m.1063). En él, su autor pretende adecuar la lógica al lenguaje sencillo de los juristas. Aquí se señala cómo este importante escrito puede depender de la escuela lógica de Bagdad.
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    Sobre El Abuso de Lo Necesario A Posteriori.Rafael Miranda Rojas - 2017 - Trans/Form/Ação 40 (1):211-234.
    Resumen: El presente escrito argumenta cómo el denominado abuso de lo necesario a posteriori, propuesto en Beebee y Sabbarton-Leary, asume erróneamente que: a) los enunciados necesarios a posteriori requieren un compromiso metafísico con un esencialismo no trivial; y b) que el experimento mental de la tierra gemela cumple un rol evidencial en la determinación de lo necesario a posteriori. Contra a), se sostiene que lo necesario a posteriori no requiere un compromiso esencialista no trivial; a lo sumo, el esencialismo no (...)
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  22.  12
    Redefining nursing solidarity.Marta Domingo-Osle & Rafael Domingo - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):651-659.
    The idea of solidarity is in vogue, especially since the eruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the term “solidarity,” as used in nursing, is imprecise and vague, lacking clear definition and connoting a variety of general meanings. Based on the original meaning of “solidarity” in ancient Roman law, this article captures the archetypical idea of solidarity from a historical and interdisciplinary perspective. This archetypical or primary meaning comes before the development of any other meanings of the word, and it is (...)
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  23. Das normative "ist".Rafael Ferber - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (3):371 - 396.
    Despite the fact that Aristotle and Frege/Russell differ in how to understand the ambiguity in the meaning of the word “is”, their theories share a common feature: “is” does not have a normative meaning. This paper, however, (I) shows (a) that there is a normative meaning of “is” (and correspondingly a constative meaning of the word “ought”) and (b) that the ambiguity of “is” is itself ambiguous. Furthermore, it proposes (c) a performative criterion for making a distinction between constative and (...)
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  24.  9
    El sentido del tiempo y la integración psico-física.Rafael Alvira - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (58):337-352.
    The author presents four thesis: I. Time is three-dimensional, a) the dynamism of being (time as origin); b) the measure of this dynamism (time as mediation); c) the duration of being (time as end). II. Time is not a permanent passing by, but time is really always a "wholeness", something "complete", a permanent synthesis of past, present and future. III. The simultaneity of time is space, and the variability of space is time. IV. There are three "diseases" of time: the (...)
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  25. Versuch, Die Vielfalt Der Gesellschaftlichen Subsysteme Einzuordnen, Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Rechts.Rafael Alvira - 1993 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 1.
    Human dignity consists of freedom. Yet freedom simultaneously means both autonomy and heteronomy, being an absolute and relation. As an absolute a human is in the realm of being , and as relative in the realm of having . Without "alterity" or "otherness" there is no having. The following aspects of social life must be distinguished: social transcendentals, categories, institutions and groups. The state , for example, cannot be equated with politics . Of the categories , the former are conditions, (...)
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  26. Second sailing towards immortality and God.Rafael Ferber - 2020 - Mnemosyne 74 (3):371-400.
    This paper deals with the deuteros plous, literally ‘the second voyage’, proverbially ‘the next best way’, discussed in Plato’s Phaedo, the key passage being Phd. 99e4-100a3. I argue that (a) the ‘flight into the logoi’ can have two different interpretations, a standard one and a non-standard one. The issue is whether at 99e-100a Socrates means that both the student of erga and the student of logoi consider images (‘the standard interpretation’), or the student of logoi does not consider images but (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Deuteros Plous, the immortality of the soul and the ontological argument for the existence of God.Rafael Ferber - 2018 - In Gabriele Cornelli, Thomas M. Robinson & Francisco Bravo (eds.), Plato's Phaedo: Selected Papers From the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. pp. 221-230.
    The paper deals with the "deuteros plous", literally ‘the second voyage’, proverbially ‘the next best way’, discussed in Plato’s "Phaedo", the key passage being Phd. 99e4–100a3. The second voyage refers to what Plato’s Socrates calls his “flight into the logoi”. Elaborating on the subject, the author first (I) provides a non-standard interpretation of the passage in question, and then (II) outlines the philosophical problem that it seems to imply, and, finally, (III) tries to apply this philosophical problem to the "ultimate (...)
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    Arabic Grammar in Its Formative Age: Kitāb al-ʿAyn and Its Attribution to Ḫalīl b. AḥmadArabic Grammar in Its Formative Age: Kitab al-Ayn and Its Attribution to Halil b. Ahmad.Monique Bernards & Rafael Talmon - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):529.
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    Perspectiva, unidad y alcance de las críticas kantianas a dos interpretaciones de «existe»: "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" A 592-602/B 620-630 (II). [REVIEW]Rafael Simian V. - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico 44 (3):583-600.
    Este ensayo interpreta KrV A 592-602/B 620-630 no sólo como la refutacióndel argumento ontológico, sino como el lugar donde Kant encara una cuestión más radical: cómo puede el entendimiento humano, considerado desde un punto de vista lógico-general, predicar la existencia. Esta segunda parte argumenta que la discusión de la tesis “‘existe’ no es un predicado real” es una contribución a la solución de aquella cuestión que es independiente de la discusión del argumento ontológico.
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    Nacimiento de la literatura autobiográfica en la historia sobre la voluntad de saber de Michel Foucault.Rafael Farías Becerra - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):605-616.
    Este artículo plantea la posibilidad de hallar un surgimiento de la literatura autobiográfica en la obra de Michel Foucault a partir del momento en que este filósofo deja de interesarse por la literatura como un espacio autorreferencial para adentrarse en la historia de criminales, locos, anormales, vidas minúsculas e infames, cuyos relatos se encuentran comprometidos dentro de diferentes prácticas discursivas promovidas por mecanismos de poder. En este sentido, los diarios de Pierre Rivière, Herculine Barbine o Alexina B. y del anónimo (...)
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    Institucionalização da pesquisa em Gastronomia no Brasil: uma análise dos projetos de pesquisa dos Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu (2004-2020). [REVIEW]Rafael Ferro - 2023 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 25 (1):28-44.
    Esta pesquisa exploratória-descritiva analisou o panorama evolutivo dos projetos de pesquisa associados aos Programas de Pós-graduação brasileiros que estão relacionados diretamente com a pesquisa em Gastronomia. Para tanto, foram sistematizados os Dados Abertos disponibilizados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) sobre os projetos de pesquisa associados aos docentes dos Programas de Pós-graduação (PPGs). A análise de conteúdo foi a técnica utilizada para o tratamento dos dados. Conduziu-se uma busca lexical através de termos relacionados à Gastronomia para (...)
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    Grundlagen der Ethik.Peter Schaber & Rafael Hüntelmann (eds.) - 2003 - De Gruyter.
    Im August 2002 trafen sich Philosophinnen und Philosophen zu einer Tagung in Frankfurt, um uber Grundlagen der Ethik zu diskutieren. Dabei ging es um Wahrheit in der Moral, um Ontologie und Moral, um das Verhaltnis von Metaethik und normativer Ethik, um die Natur praktischer Grunde und nicht zuletzt auch um Grundelemente einer inhaltlichen Moraltheorie. Aus dieser Diskussion sind die Beitrage des vorliegenden Bandes entstanden. Der Band versammelt Beitrage von Norbert Anwander, Paul Bloomfield, Friedrich Dudda, Kirsten B. Endres, Rafael Huntelmann, (...)
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    El vídeo didáctico como soporte para un b-learning sostenible.Miguel Ángel Del Casar Tenorio & Rafael Herradón Díez - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):237-242.
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  34.  52
    Enunciados necesarios a posteriori, necesidad débil y racionalismo.Rafael Miranda Rojas - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (160):49-74.
    Se afirma que los enunciados necesarios a posteriori, propuestos por S. Kripke, exigen una comprensión débil de la necesidad; esto quiere decir: a) existencia contingen-te del designatum(no existencia en toda situación contrafáctica) y b) dependencia racionalista en principios lógicos a priori, particularmente los de diferencia y de identidad. La principal consecuencia es que los enunciados necesarios a posteriori corresponden a instancias de dichos principios lógicos. Contrario al racionalismo, esto no exige que dichos enunciados sean a priori, pues su justificación requiere (...)
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    Towards a Spiritual Model of Cosmic Education Based on Advaita Vedanta Philosophy.Rafael Pulido-Moyano - 2023 - Philosophy and Cosmology 31:58-81.
    The author outlines a spiritually oriented model of cosmic education inspired by Advaita Vedanta philosophy. The description of the general principles of this Nondual Vedantic Cosmic Education (NVCE) will be preceded by a brief review of the writings of two Indian authors, Vivekananda and Aurobindo, who led the revitalisation of nondual vedantic philosophy. In order to utilize the nondual vedantic spiritual wisdom as a curriculum substrate for teaching/learning processes in classrooms, the NVCE model uses some core ideas from Ken Wilber’s (...)
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  36. Los "artículos de necesario conocimiento para quien se inicie en el arte de la lógica", de Abu Nars Al-Fârâbî. [REVIEW]Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 1986 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 6:143-154.
    The first book consecrated to logic, written by an andalusian author is Ibn Hazm’s Kitªb al-taqrÌb li-Êadd al-manðiq (“Introduction to definition of logic”). Where, the author seeks to adapt the logic to the simple language of the jurists. Here it is pointed out how this important treatise can depend on the logical school of Bagdad.
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    La problemática del estudio sobre los problemas. RESEÑA de : Aguirre Santos, Javier. La aporía en Aristóteles : los libros B y K 1-2 de la metafísica; estudio preliminar de Teresa Oñate y Zubia : «De camino al ser». Barcelona : Dykinson, 2007. [REVIEW]Rafael Ramis Barceló - 2009 - Endoxa 23:405.
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    ISEW. The 'Debunking' Interpretation and the Person-in-Community Paradox: Comment on Rafael Ziegler.Herman E. Daly & John B. Cobb - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (3):287-288.
    Reply to article 'Political Perception and Ensemble of Macro Objectives and Measures: The Paradox of the Index for Sustainable Economic Welfare' by Rafael Ziegler in Environmental Values vol.16 no.1, pp.43-60.
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    Perspectiva, unidad y alcance de las críticas kantianas a dos interpretaciones de «existe»: "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" A 592-602 / B 602-630 (I). [REVIEW]Rafael Simian V. - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico 43 (3):613.
    Este ensayo interpreta KrV A592-602/B620-630 no sólo como la refutación al argumento ontológico, sino como el lugar donde Kant encara una cuestión más radical: cómo puede el entendimiento humano, considerado desde un punto de vista lógico-general, predicar la existencia. Esta primera parte analiza específicamente la refutación del argumento ontológico. Este análisis concluirá que se requiere de una facultad diferente del entendimiento para conocer lo existente como tal.
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    El regreso de la educación cívica. Benjamin R. Barber Y la democracia fuerte.José María Seco Martínez & Rafael Rodríguez Prieto - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:115-140.
    La educación cívica se encuentra en la misma base de la democracia . T odo sistema democrático que prescinda de esta necesidad acabará haciendo de s v anecerse la racionalidad democrática de sus instituciones. La democracia liberal es un buen ejemplo de este debilitamiento pr o g res i v o de las estructuras democráticas. Benjamin R. Barber no tarda en referirse a ella como "democracia débil". La democracia carece de plenitud sin ciudadanos fo r mados cívicamente. Educación y democracia (...)
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  41. What is a subliminal technique? An ethical perspective on AI-driven influence.Juan Pablo Bermúdez, Rune Nyrup, Sebastian Deterding, Celine Mougenot, Laura Moradbakhti, Fangzhou You & Rafael A. Calvo - 2023 - Ieee Ethics-2023 Conference Proceedings.
    Concerns about threats to human autonomy feature prominently in the field of AI ethics. One aspect of this concern relates to the use of AI systems for problematically manipulative influence. In response to this, the European Union’s draft AI Act (AIA) includes a prohibition on AI systems deploying subliminal techniques that alter people’s behavior in ways that are reasonably likely to cause harm (Article 5(1)(a)). Critics have argued that the term ‘subliminal techniques’ is too narrow to capture the target cases (...)
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    (1 other version)Francisco Hernández. The Mexican Treasury: The Writings of Dr. Francisco Hernández. Edited by, Simon Varey. Translated by, Rafael Chabrán, Cynthia L. Chamberlain, and Simon Varey. xxii + 281 pp., frontis., illus., index.Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000. $65.Simon Varey;, Rafael Chabrán;, Dora B. Weiner . Searching for the Secrets of Nature: The Life and Works of Dr. Francisco Hernández. xviii + 229 pp., frontis., illus., index.Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000. $60.Mauricio Nieto Olarte. Remedios para el imperio: Historia natural y la apropriación del Nuevo Mondo. 280 pp., illus.Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, 2000. [REVIEW]Jorge Cañizares‐Esguerra - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):122-123.
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  43. With the Future Behind Them: Convergent Evidence From Aymara Language and Gesture in the Crosslinguistic Comparison of Spatial Construals of Time.Rafael E. Núñez & Eve Sweetser - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):401-450.
    Cognitive research on metaphoric concepts of time has focused on differences between moving Ego and moving time models, but even more basic is the contrast between Ego‐ and temporal‐reference‐point models. Dynamic models appear to be quasi‐universal cross‐culturally, as does the generalization that in Ego‐reference‐point models, FUTURE IS IN FRONT OF EGO and PAST IS IN BACK OF EGO. The Aymara language instead has a major static model of time wherein FUTURE IS BEHIND EGO and PAST IS IN FRONT OF EGO; (...)
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    David B. Zilberman: Selected Essays.David B. Zilberman - 2023 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. Edited by G. L. Pandit.
    This book is a selection of articles by David Zilberman, a prolific author, whose tragic untimely death did not allow to finish many of his undertakings. Zilberman’s work represents a fresh word in the way of philosophizing or philosophy-building and the technique of modal methodology. This book comprises of thirteen independent articles that are not related by content. The point of thematic convergence of these articles is the way they reflect the new way of methodological thinking through the application and (...)
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    El Tribunal Constitucional.Rafael De Mendizábal Allende - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1229-1271.
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    Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: A Natural Law Ethics Approach.Rafael Ramis-Barceló - 2011 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (2):296-298.
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    Pruning and repopulating a lexical taxonomy: experiments in Spanish, English and French.Irene Renau, Rafael Marín, Gabriela Ferraro, Antonio Balvet & Rogelio Nazar - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):376-394.
    In this paper we present the problem of a noisy lexical taxonomy and suggest two tasks as potential remedies. The first task is to identify and eliminate incorrect hypernymy links, and the second is to repopulate the taxonomy with new relations. The first task consists of revising the entire taxonomy and returning a Boolean for each assertion of hypernymy between two nouns (e.g. brie is a kind of cheese). The second task consists of recursively producing a chain of hypernyms for (...)
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    Agents of Representation: The Organic Connection between Society and Leftist Parties in Bolivia and Uruguay.Fernando Rosenblatt, Rafael Piñeiro Rodríguez, Verónica Pérez Bentancur & Santiago Anria - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (3):384-412.
    Parties are central agents of democratic representation. The literature assumes that this function is an automatic consequence of social structure and/or a product of incentives derived from electoral competition. However, representation is contingent upon the organizational structure of parties. The connection between a party and an organized constituency is not limited to electoral strategy; it includes an organic connection through permanent formal or informal linkages that bind party programmatic positions to social groups’ preferences, regardless of the electoral returns. This article (...)
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    Indistinguibilidade, não reflexividade, ontologia e física quântica.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (1):41-69.
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  50. El pensamiento de Miguel Servet.Rafael Bermudo del Pino - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:5.
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